Choose Mapsopedia, for your next journey.

Here at Mapsopedia, we offer the widest range of quality wall maps for
décor, education and business purposes. With our commitment to
providing custom sizes and finishing options and implementing only the
most up-to-date data, we strive to create maps that meet every need.
Mapsopedia creates visually effective maps that help people
understand the impact of location, geography, data and demographics
on their business.
Unlike other similar companies, Mapsopedia uses the latest
technologies to publish maps of everywhere. We also design
custom maps to the client’s specifications. Mapsopedia is On Target. On
Time. This means that you get exactly the maps you need, when you
need them.

As numerous as there are types of maps, there is a variety of reasons
why people are interested in them.

Meet Our Team

Meet the Creative brains who are instrumental in bringing the Idea of Mapsopedia into reality through their hard work and imagination.

Jason Van Winkle


Xiaolan Hu

Project Director

Priya Prabhakar

Graphic Designer

Vijay Singh

Business Development